Photo Tutorial and Nikon Lens Compatibility

I think I saw the reference on BoingBoing, but Luminous Landscape has a very nice series of photography tutorials online. The site belongs to a landscape photographer who works in both digital and film, and looks fairly instructive. For example, here’s a discussion of exposure, which I don’t really have a feel for. With my camera, there’s an exposure meter, but I generally won’t know what to do if the scene differs from the standard gray the meter is calibrated against. The site’s general tutorials has tips and techniques for more specific scenarios the basic concepts from the Understanding Series, such as night landscape photography, and the rule of 600 with regard to focal length.

Thinking about focal lengths today, I actually found a couple of Nikon lens compatibility charts when shopping for a 28mm/f2.8 AIS on EBay. Nikon will be releasing its D70 sometime this year, and I’ll probably buy that or its successor model in the future. Will the AIS lenses work with this body? No certainty: the charts suggest that the older digitals will mount these lenses, though, of course, only in manual mode, but exposure metering may not work. Of course, I may just be silly with all this, since I may be shopping for Nikon because I’m trying to preserve the use of relatively cheap manual lenses instead of thinking about what would be the best system. On the other hand, one can always get rid of old lenses on EBay.

Update: Ken Rockwell also has a nice set of tutorials on picture taking. Rockwell also points out that the Nikon School is good, though from the website it looks like the school is in recess during the summer.

One Response to “Photo Tutorial and Nikon Lens Compatibility”

  1. Michael Chaplin Says:

    Cheng- also check out the March issue of Consumer Reports, where they do a quick mini-review of a number of Digital SLRs, including Nikon’s D100.

    Later, Mike