Pyrex Digital Thermometer

The probe for my Pyrex Digital Thermometer died this morning. I was making yogurt this morning, and found that the thermometer kept telling me it was 110 degrees, even though I had dunked the probe into cold water. Thankfully, I realized this before the milk was out of the microwave; the yogurt was made “blind”, in the sense that I just guessed at the temperature: too hot would have been worse than a bit cold, since that would have killed my yogurt starter. Anyway, we’ll see how it turns out.

Apparently, the probe dies frequently and is a cause for complaints. I perhaps should have picked up another model, but I think this one was on sale at Amazon. The customer reviews up at Amazon right now are actually helpful: one reviewer said that his probe died, but he sent it back to the manufacturer, Robinson Knife Company, and got a replacement within a week.

The most useful piece of information was the name of the manufacturer (fed into Google): I just got off the phone with Customer Service, and they said to mail the probe back to them, no RMA required. We’ll see how quickly they get a replacement back to me.

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