My brother’s graduation

My brother got his MBA from Georgetown on Friday. We got there a bit late for the general graduate school ceremony — rain and traffic — but most of the business school students didn’t show up for that one, anyway. It looked like it was meant more for Arts & Sciences, as well as Public Health, etc.

We were in plenty of time for the MBA ceremony itself: the usual stuff with a processional, speechifying, sheepskin bestowing, and recessional. Looking at the photos, I feel that Grace was right and I should have brought my (film) SLR, though it would have taken a few more days to get the pictures. I took a bunch of shots, and most of these didn’t come out very well because of camera limitations. (sigh)

Anyway, the photos at first show the very crowded gymnasium for the general ceremony, then the MBA part, and a final shot from a post-graduatation dinner at a Roslyn Chinese restaurant.

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