MTA Neighborhood Maps

Here’s a link for the MTA neighborhood maps, those really detailed street maps that show such things as subway station entrances. You can find the poster-sized maps near the token booths of subway stations. You can find the PDFs of those maps here.

Update: For some mysterious reason, the MTA has removed these files from public access. Should have archived them locally.

4 Responses to “MTA Neighborhood Maps”

  1. sam Says:

    No mystery, really – look at the way that they moved quickly to start removing the farebooths and turnstile entrances, to make sure that Straphangers couldn’t force them to reopen them. This is another one of their instances of thumbing the nose at us.

  2. primadura Says:

    I have 10 of them. Email me if you’re interested in posting them.

  3. bongo Says:

    I’ve been trying to track these down for ages now. I’d really appreciate any collection you may have


  4. Cheng Says:

    Fool that I am, I thought the MTA would just keep them somewhere accessible on their website, but they’ve apparently taken them down since I posted about them. I tried to find them a few times, but no luck. I’m no longer in New York, so this is only an academic exercise to me now.

    Good luck.