Fixing things

So we have a car now. I have no idea how to fix things if there are problems, as most of what I know apparently comes from Junkyard Wars, though my brother points out that the less from JYW is that cars are fundamentally boxes with engines and wheels — not a big deal. But I’m still nervous about problems, and yet simultaneously feel that I should be able to deal with these problems instead of schlepping the car to a garage. I suppose this is a combination of computer-work-related-DIY-ethic coupled with a selective frugal streak.

Internet and Google to the rescue, such as this link. I think my father learned about engines from a night class at Bayside High School many years ago. I should try to find something similar, though I’m not sure where high-school-based night classes are listed. I guess the Board of Ed website, though I don’t believe such classes are under their administration. The website also reminded me that there’s that whole “for Dummies” series. I have to pick up the relevant volume from Amazon.

Hmm. One of the links off of the site has an article about tint removal, which is necessary with this used Honda. Or at least necessary from the don’t-want-to-look-like-a-wanna-be-gangster point of view. The comments indicate that that site isn’t particularly reliable. Must check out the info elsewhere.

We pick up the car tomorrow from Bayside. I have to look up monthly garage prices at the place on Flatbush.

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