
Grace matched at The Cleveland Clinic for the four-year anesthesiology program.

She starts in June. I’ll join her after unwinding the things that have to be unwound here, probably towards the end of the year or early next year. The main uncertainty is how to unwind the apartment without incurring capital gains taxes, but a friend of a friend of Grace’s works at Corcoran, and he’s looking into how the IRS would treat this (is the 2nd apartment just a large capital improvement of the original apartment?). Interestingly, the inventory of 2BR/2BA units on the Upper West Side is startingly thin right now, so this year wouldn’t be the worst year to sell.

Server hosting has to be taken care of, though there’s a few dedicated hosting facilities out there for around $50/month. Need root access to set up my mail server, etc.

I’ll probably have to find an aikido dojo, and maybe some judo. If it’s aikido, I’ll get to be the white belt wearing a hakama at the other end of the line, if the dojo uses the hakama to indicate whether one can breakfall or not.

A bit of silliness: I have to see if I can get Vonage to take my current phone number and make it a VoIP one, so I can take it with me to Ohio. 212! 212!

And, of course, there’s my job, which has to be well documented, handed over, and so on.

Here are some Match Day photos. The first two are of King’s County and SUNY Downstate (I missed taking pictures of the union protests earlier, when they apparently deployed every giant inflatable rat in the city outside the King’s County Clarkson Avenue entrances). The rest are in the auditorium, waiting for the white envelopes.

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